[학술활동] 김학수 정책학부 정회원(DGIST 교수) 논문 발간
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- 2019-04-04
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- 1109
[김학수 정책학부 정회원] 김학수 정책학부 정회원(DGIST 초빙석좌교수)이 “The Authority of Science in Korea”를 주제로 ‘The Cultural Authority of Science: Comparing Across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas’에 논문을 게재했다. ※ 관련 자료 첨부파일 참조 "The Authority of Science in Korea: A New Explication and Measurement." In: M. Bauer, P. Pansegrau & R. Shukla (eds.), The Cultural Authority of Science: Comparing Across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas (pp. 44-56). New York: Routledge, 2019.
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